I get that I've been super MIA lately (I guess I have a problem with that!) but here I am again, to catch you up on all things Ashley.
don't worry, I know you're excited ;) (kidding. sort of ;)
First off, the last few weeks have been filled with my participation in Kaelah Bee's
30 Day Detox! I was super pumped about joining in on this, especially since I felt like I've been especially negative towards myself in the past few weeks. A bunch of people joined in over blogs and twitter (hashtag #30DayDetox) to vow to stay more positive and healthy, with both the mind and body! Awesome, right? I vowed to
eat healthier,
have a more positive mindset, and
not let the little things get me down and stressed like they usually tend to. Oh, and also
to be a little more outgoing with life. I used to always be up for trying new things, and never really scared of rejection or being wrong, and I miss that. So there you have it: my 30 Day Detox goals! I'm about a week in so far, and I've decided that I'm slowly cutting back on things, instead of giving up cold-turkey. Seems to be working well so far! Anyone else in on this? Think it's something you'd like to try? It's super inspiring to read the twitter feed, that's for sure, so I'd love to hear feedback from you all as well :)
Secondly, the weather around the Seattle area is
finally warming up! I don't really have any pictures to share so far, but that's kind of because I've been out and about doing things! But tomorrow promises some more sunshine and warm weather, so maybe I'll break the camera out for a while :) Speaking of going out and doing things, I've been keeping up quite well on my part of a 30 Day Detox vow,
to be a little more outgoing with life. I took myself out on a date last night to see
Water for Elephants (awesome, I might add! Especially if you've read the book!) yes, you read that correctly, I took
myself out on a date. It was honestly pretty cool, too. Not awkward or anything like I would have thought. I've also been taking time out of each day to do something for me, whatever it is, but just because I wanted to. I went shopping the other day with my mom, am currently looking for my next book (I'm thinking
Something Blue), or I even just lay in my room and listen to music or watch One Tree Hill - I'm just a
tad obsessed with the show. Oh, and don't forget my most recent obsession,
Pinterest! Haha.
Anyways, I guess that was sort of a
third in there too, but you all get the point! I know that I was sort of rambling for the most part in there, but I guess that's sort of how I've been lately! Happy and all over the place, doing as many things as I can! That's not too bad of a life to live, eh?
How have you all been?
Any new goals like with the 30 Day Detox? What do you do just for you?
I'd love to hear back about well, just about anything!