Monday, February 21, 2011

Much Love, Illy

Where to start?! Ilene, aka illy, is such a sweet girl :) I don't know her personally, but I've had the chance to email her a few times and she is so kind. To a complete stranger! Well why, do you ask, am I blogging about her? :P IT'S HER BLOGIVERSARY, and she's having some awesome giveaways over at her blog - much love, illy! :D! Seriously, you definitely need to go check these out! Plus, her blog is fantastic anyways! I can't help but read it daily ;) So go .. look! I promise you won't be disappointed :)


  1. Thanks for the heads up. Great appreciation post. :)

  2. Definitely! She is such a sweet girl, you should really go check out her blog!

  3. just came across your blog and its wonderful :) and ahhh def love her blog! good luck to ya girl!

  4. Thanks! :D I really do love her blog, and from what I've seen, yours is wonderful as well :)
